Loan Against Property

Loan against property (LAP), are basically loans provided by banks against the security of one’s own property. LAP is designed to meet the financial needs of someone who already owns a house or multiple properties so as to get the best out of their assets. Its important to remember that the property which you are putting up for your loan should be free any encumbrance (i.e. it is not given as security for any purpose or any other loan). Banks provide LAP for both Salaried as well as Self-Employed individuals. The rates and loan amounts differ based on your property and your annual income.

Banks will always want to consider all risks, which is why while you are applying for your loan against property, there are certain factors the bank considers with respect to your property to mitigate its risks in giving out the loan. These factors determine your rate of interest, and loan amount. You can get a LAP of up to 80% of the registered value of your property depending on the Bank’s policy and the property type and valuation. The value of the property would be determined through a valuation conducted by the Loan Provider. Individuals apply for LAP for a variety of reasons. Some of the common ones are your childs wedding, loans for new business ventures, second homes, vacations, medical treatment just to name a few.